
[Area] 176,200 square kilometers.

[Population] 3,531,000 (2020, INEI), of which 90.8% are white and 4.9% are Indian. The official language is Spanish. 66% of the population is Catholic.

[Capital] Montevideo, with an area of 530 square kilometers and a population of 1.383 million (2020, Uruguay's National Statistics Institute), has an average annual temperature of 16.5°C. The city is located in southeastern South America, with a population of 1.383 million (2020, Uruguay's National Statistics Institute).

[Brief introduction] It is located in southeastern South America, on the east bank of the Uruguay River and the Rio de la Plata. Brazil borders it to the north, Argentina to the west, and the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast. The coastline is 660 kilometers long. The terrain is flat, with hills and grasslands, with an average elevation of 116.7 meters. It has a temperate climate, with summer from January to March, with temperatures ranging from 17℃ to 28℃, and winter from July to September, with temperatures ranging from 6℃ to 14℃—the annual precipitation increases from 950 to 1250 millimeters from south to north.

In early times, the country was inhabited by the Chaluya Indians. 1516 saw the arrival of a Spanish expedition. 1726 saw the founding of the city of Montevideo and the beginning of colonial rule by the Spanish colonists. 1810 saw the launching of the Independence Movement by José Artigas. 1825 saw the recapture of the city of Montevideo and the proclamation of the independence of Uruguay by a group of patriots, including Juan Antonio Lavayeja, on August 25th, 1825. 1903 saw the Red Party'sParty's In 1903, José Batlle Ordóñez of the Red Party was elected President. He vigorously developed foreign trade and services based on animal husbandry, laying the foundation for developing the national economy. In the first half of the 20th century, Uruguay was known as the "Switzerland of South America" for its political stability, generous welfare benefits, and social peace. The end of the 1960s was characterized by economic difficulties, intensified social conflicts, and turbulence. In February 1973, a military coup d'état brought to power a dictatorship; in 1984, the military government returned power to the people, and in November of the same year, the Red Party'sParty's candidate, Julio Maria Sanguinetti, was elected President, and Uruguay resumed its constitutional democracy; in 1989, Luis Lacalle Herrera of the Partido Nacionalista (Nationalist Party) was elected President, and Sanguinetti was reelected in 1994; in March 2000, Jorge Batlle of the Partido Redista (Red Party) was reelected. Jorge Batlle of the Red Party came to power. In October 2004, Vázquez, the presidential candidate of the Broad Front, a coalition of left-wing parties, won the general election. In November 2009, Mujica, the candidate of the Broad Front, was elected President. In November 2014, Vázquez, the candidate of the Broad Front and a former president, was reelected as President. In November 2019, the candidate of the Partido Nacionalista, Luis Alberto Lakalé -Pauw was elected President and took office on March 1st, 2020.Translated with DeepL.com (free version). 

(Source: Official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China:https://www.mfa.gov.cn/web/gjhdq_676201/gj_676203/bmz_679954/)