
[Area] 1,908,000 square kilometers.

[Population] 11.832 million. Indians account for 54%, Indo-Europeans 31% and whites 15%. The official languages are Spanish, Quechua, Aymara, and 36 other Indian languages. The majority of the population is Catholic.

[Capital] Seat of government and parliament: La Paz, population 940,000, altitude 3,627 meters, average annual temperature 14℃. Legal capital (seat of the Supreme Court): Sucre (Sucre), population of 360,000, the average yearly temperature of 21.8 ℃.

[Brief introduction] Located in the center of South America, landlocked country. It borders Brazil in the northeast, Paraguay in the southeast, Argentina in the south, Chile in the southwest, and Peru in the west. The climate is temperate.

It was part of the Inca Empire in the 13th century A.D. In 1538, it became a Spanish colony known as Upper Peru. On August 6, 1825, it declared independence. It was named the Bolivarian Republic in honor of Bolivar, the Liberator. It was later renamed the Bolivarian Republic of Bolivia. 1835 saw it merge with Peru to form the Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation, which was dissolved in 1839. 1879 saw the Pacific War with Chile, and it lost its independence. After the War of the Pacific with Chile in 1879, the country lost its coastal territories and became landlocked. It lost a large part of its territory in the Chaco War with Paraguay from 1932 to 1935, when an armed popular uprising broke out in April 1952. The leader of the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement (MRN), Páez Estenssoro, assumed the presidency. After frequent military coups and a long period of political turmoil, Bolivia returned to democracy in October 1983, and from 2001 to 2005, Bolivia experienced political turmoil with five successive presidents. In 2009, the name of the State was changed to “Plurinational State of Bolivia”.

(Source: Official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China: