
[Area] 1,964,400 square kilometers.

[Population] 129 million (2023). Mestizos and Indians make up more than 90% of the Population.

[Capital] Mexico City (Ciudad de México). Area of 1525 square kilometers, Population of about 22.8 million (including satellite cities), altitude of 2240 meters.

[Brief description] It is located in the south of North America. It is bordered by the United States in the north, Guatemala and Belize in the south, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea in the east, and the Pacific Ocean in the southwest. The coastline is 11,122 kilometers long. East, west, and south for the Sierra Madre, surrounded by the center of the Mexican plateau, the southeast for the flat Yucatan Peninsula, and the coast of the long and narrow plains. Mexico's climate is complex and varied. The plateau area is mild all year round, with an average temperature of 10 to 26 ℃; the inland northwest for the continental climate, and the coastal and southeastern plains of the tropical climate. Most of the Area is divided into two seasons: dry (October to April) and rainy (May to September), with the rainy season concentrating 75% of the year's precipitation.

Ancient civilizations of the Americas. The Maya, Olmec, Toltec, and Aztec cultures were all created by the Indians of Mexico. 1519 saw the invasion of the Spanish colonizers, and the War of Independence began with the uprising of Father Hidalgo on September 16, 1810, the proclamation of the independence of Mexico in 1821, and the establishment of the Federal Republic in October 1824, followed by the outbreak of the bourgeois-democratic revolution in 1910, and the promulgation of the bourgeois-democratic constitution in 1917, which declared the country an independent nation. In 1917, a bourgeois-democratic constitution was promulgated, proclaiming the name of the country as the United Mexican States. The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) has been in power for 71 consecutive years since 1929, and the National Action Party (PAN) won two consecutive general elections in 2000 and 2006, while the PRI was returned to power in 2012, and the National Renewal Movement Party (PRN) won the general election in 2018.

(Source: Official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China: