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CLTTC and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Conducted a Symposium and Reached Preliminary Cooperation Intentions

Time:2023-04-14 14:47Clicks:

CLTTC team went to Beijing Foreign Studies University-Mexico Research Center (UNAM-China) to participate in the National Autonomous University of Mexico held talks and exchanges with the theme of"to promote scientific and technological cooperation between Mexico and China".

At the meeting, Chen Baiman and team members and representatives of the National Autonomous University of Mexico around the exchange of young scientific and technological talent, scientific and technological achievements, Mexican culture corner and other aspects of in-depth exchanges, the two sides reached a preliminary cooperation intentions.Prof. Adalberto Noyola, Director of the Representative Office of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in China, said that the cooperation between UNAM and the China has been strengthened recently, and that UNAM will continue to intensify its cooperation with China, hoping to become a strategic partner of CLTTC in order to promote the flow of scientific and technological activities between China and the Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as to set up a new channel for exchanges between China and Latin America, relying on CLTTC in the future.