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China-LAC Technology Transfer Center(CLTTC) Visits Peking University HSBC Business School

Time:2024-03-20 01:57Clicks:

On March 20th, Shi Zuoyu, Deputy Director of the China-LAC Technology Transfer Center, and Ma Jinhui, Secretary-General of the China-Latin America Technology Cooperation Promotion Association (in preparation), visited Peking University HSBC Business School and had a discussion with Zhang Kun, Executive Director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center of Peking University HSBC Business School, and Jiang Guo, Director of the School-Enterprise Relations Office of Peking University HSBC Business School. The Center learned that Peking University HSBC Business School continuously integrates and introduces globally leading innovative and entrepreneurial resources by organizing events such as Peking University HSBC Innovation Lectures, Peking University HSBC-Cambridge Jiazhi Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Entrepreneurship Acceleration Camps, and "Unicorn" Mentorship Programs. At the same time, it uses the Qianhai China-UK Research Institute in Shenzhen as an institutional carrier to build an internationally influential academic exchange platform and industry-university-research base. Both sides conducted in-depth discussions on topics such as the technical committee, China-Latin America industrial bases, and China-Latin America academic and cultural exchanges. They agreed to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation to jointly promote exchanges and cooperation between China and Latin America in macroeconomics and digital security.