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循环流动式高效供暖太阳能 Circulating High-efficiency Solar Heating

Project:ChinaIndustry:New Energy

Time:2024-05-16 09:44Clicks:




The heat absorbed by the high-efficiency solar vacuum tubes is transferred to the water in the tubes througrthe absorption and conversion of the heat collecting membrane, so that the water temperature risescontinuously, and the circulating pump pushes the water to circulate through the connecting box to the heatstorage tank for heating, The high-efficiency solar vacuum tube is designed with two ends, which heats fasterthan the U-shaped solar tube. Antifreeze and anti-explosion buffers are used to relieve thermal expansion anccontraction and resonance effects, greatly reducing the tube burst rate. Special descaling tanks are equipped forregular sediment discharge, so that the tube wall will not accumulate scale, thus prolonging the service life ofsolar vacuum tubes.