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CSTCP, together with the Science and Technology Bureaus of Zhuhai and Macao, visite CLTTC

Time:2024-06-21 19:13Clicks:

On June 21st, a delegation from CSTCP, together with the Science and Technology Bureaus of Zhuhai and Macao, visited the China-LAC Technology Transfer Center (CLTTC) to explore new paths to deepen cooperation in science and technology.

The purpose of the visit is to further promote technology exchanges and transformation of achievements between China and Portuguese-speaking countries and Latin America .

The two sides had an in-depth discussion on key issues such as technology transfer mechanism, cooperation project matching, and construction of science and technology innovation platform.

Representatives from the Science and Technology Bureaus of Zhuhai and Macao expressed that they would make full use of the platform advantages of CLTTC to strengthen scientific and technological cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries and Latin America, and to promote the sharing and optimal allocation of innovation resources .

Meanwhile, CSTCP also introduced its achievements in promoting Sino-Portuguese scientific and technological cooperation and discussed potential cooperation opportunities between the two sides.

Through this visit, CLTTC further consolidated its cooperative relationship with Zhuhai, Macao and Portuguese-speaking countries, and laid a solid foundation for future cooperation in science and technology.

The CLTTC will continue to promote more high-quality technology transfer and achievement transformation projects to land and implement, in order to promote the common progress of scientific and technological innovation and economic development between China and Portuguese-speaking countries as well as the Latin America