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China-Latin America Technology Cooperation Development Conference and FAPESP Week China
  • 报名时间


  • 会议时间

    2 024/6/28-2024/6/29

  • 地 址

    Banyan Tree Dongguan Songshan Lake、Venue: Hilton Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center

  • 电 话


  • 传 真


Activity Introduction

The year 2024 marks the 50th anniversary ofthe establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil.The China-LAC Technology Transfer Center, together with the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), and the China Science and Technology Exchange Center, will hold the China-Latin America Technology Cooperation Development Conference and FAPESP Week China in Dongguan and Shenzhen from June 28th to 29th, 2024.

Representatives from the Chinese and Brazilian governments, scientific research institutions, universities, and technology transfer centers are invited to attend the event, Focusingon six areas, namely, China-Brazil Agriculture, New Materials and Smart Manufacturing, ESG and Green Carbon, Health and Biomedicine, Aerospace,Global Governance, Country Studies and Public Policies, a series of academic conferences, roundtable dialogues,China-Brazil friendship night, technical visit, and other activities will be held to deepen China-Latin America cooperation in science and technology innovation and promote exchanges of academic talents.

Organization Unit

supervisor:National Natural Science Foundation of China

Hosts:China-LAC Technology Transfer Center, The Sao Paulo Research Foundation, China Science and Technology Exchange Center

Organizers:Dongguan University of Technology, SLAB Industrial Incubation Center, Latin American Research Institute of China-LAC Technology Transfer Center, Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd , Dongguan Pule Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Center.

Activity Agenda

28th-29th June, 2024 Dongguan City and Shenzhen City,Guangdong Province, China

28th June (Friday) Banyan Tree Dongguan Songshan Lake

14:00-14:05    Host opening
14:05-15:00 Welcome speeches
Video Speech by the Representative of theDepartment of International Cooperation,Ministry of Science and Technology
Speech by the Representative of the China Science and Technology Exchange Center
Speech by the Representative of the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province
Speech by the Representative Of FAPESP
Speech by the Representative of National Natural Science Foundation of China
15:00-15:15China-Latin America Technology Exchange and Cooperation Development Conference and FAPESP Week China Opening Ceremony
15:15-15:30Appointment Ceremony of Technology Specialist Committee and Latin American Research Institute, China-LAC Technology Transfer Center
15:30-15:40Signing Ceremony
15:40-15:55Coffee Break
15:55-17:05China-Latin America Technology Exchange Roundtable Dialogue
17:05-18:30Interactive Gallery
18:30-20:30The Night of Friendship

29th June (saturday) Banyan Tree Dongguan Songshan Lake

8:30-9:00        Registration
9:00-12:15      Academic Conferences 1:New Materials and smart ManufacturingAcademic Conferences 2:ESG and Green Carbon
12:00-13:30    Lunch
13:30-14:00    Registration
14:00-17:30 Academic Conferences 3: Aerospace
Academic Conferences 4:Global Governance
Country Studies and Public Policies


29th June (saturday) Hilton Shenzhen World Exhibition &Convention center

8:30-9:00        Registration
9:00-9:25        Welcome Remarks
9:25-9:35        Inauguration Ceremony of CLTTc-ChinaMerchants Shekou Joint Industrial Base
9:35-9:45       Group Photo
9:45-9:55       Coffee Break
9:55-12:30     Academic Conferences 5.Health and Biomedicine
9:55-12:30     NSFC/FAPESP Workshop“smart/Precision agriculture in the context ofclimate change”- session 1
12:30-14:00   Lunch
14:00-17:00   NSFC/FAPESP Workshop“smart/Precision agriculture in the context ofclimate change”- Session 2

Guest Speakers

New Materials andSmart Manufacturing

  • Wang Weihua:Academician of CAS, Director of Songshan Lake Materi.als Laboratory

  • Huang Xuejie:Professor at the lnstitute of Physics, Chinese Academyof Sciences (CAS), Deputy Director of the SongshanLake Materials Laboratory

  • Zhou Zhibin:Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Tech-nology

  • Guo Aimin:Deputy General Manager of ClTlc Metal Co., LTD,

  • Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira Junior:Director of the Sao Carlos Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paul, Academician of the Brazilian Academy ofSciences

  • Romildo Dias Toledo Filho:Full professor at COPPE, Federal University of Rio deJaneiro, Brazil, specializing in materials and structures

  • Kleber Thiago de Oliveria:Head of the Department of Chemistry Federal University of Säo Carlos

  • Valmor Roberto Mastelaro:Associate Profesor of Sao Carlos Institute of Physics(lFSC) of University of Sao Paulo

ESG and Green Carbon

  • Ye siyu:Chairman at SinoHyKey Co. Ltd (Guangzhou), Distin-guished professor at the School of Chemistry andChemical Engineering of Guangzhou University, Fellowof the Canadian Academy of Engineering

  • Yuan Haoran:Winner of the National Science Fund for OutstandingYoung People. a professor in the Guangzhou Institute ofEnergy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences anddeputy director of the lnstitute's Urban and Rural MineIntegrated Technology Research Office

  • Fang Baizeng:Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, PresidentialDistinguished Professor

  • Mauricio Roberto Cherubin:Professor of Department of Soil Science of ESALO of USP

  • Joǎo Luiz Nunes Carvalho:Researcher at the Brazilian Biorenewables NationalLaboratory(LNBR-CNPEM)

  • Adriana Marotti de Mello:professor of University of S¤o Paulo

  • Marysilvia Ferreira da Costa:

  • Professor of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


  • Ma Hongwei:Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Deputy Secretary of theParty Committee and President of Dongguan Universityof Technology

  • Liu Bin:Professor ofTsinghua University, Vice Dean of School ofAerospace Engineer of Tsinghua University

  • Xie Gengxin:Professor of Chongqing University, Executive DeputyDirector of Center of Space Exploration of Ministry ofEducation

  • Liang Xu:Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Xi an JiaotongUniversity

  • Rubens Maciel Filho:Full Professor at Chemical Engineering School- Depart-mentof Chemical Process and Coordinator of the Labo.ratory of Optimization, Design and Advanced ProcessControl(LOPCA), Head of the Laboratory ofInnovationin Biofuels, UNICAMP

  • Fernando Martini Catalano:

    Full Professor at Chemical Engineering School- Depart-mentof Chemical Process and Coordinator of the Labo.ratory of Optimization, Design and Advanced ProcessControl(LOPCA), Head of the Laboratory ofInnovationin Biofuels, UNICAMP

    Vilson Rosa de Almeida:Research Associate, Aeronautics Institute of Technolo.gy (ITA)

Global Governance, Country studiesand Public Policies

  • Wang Ping:Doctoral Supervisor of Nankai University, and Acting Dean of Latin American Research Institute of China-LAC Technology Transfer Center

  • Yang zhimin:Senior Research Fellow and Director of Department Regional Cooperation Of Institute of Latin American Studies of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

  • Niu Haibin:Associate Research Fellow and Director of Institute for Foreign Policy Studies, Shanghai lnstitutes for International Studies     

  • Li ziying:Professor and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Hispanic and Portuguese Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University

  • Vanessa Elias de Oliveira:aAssociate Professor of the Political Science and Public Policies of UFABC

  • Ximena Suarez Villagran:Professor at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnologyat the University of Sao Paulo

  • Elize Massard da Fonseca:Associate professor in the Department of Public Administration at the School of Business Administration of the Getulio Vargas Foundation.

Health and Biomedicine

  • Jin Xin:Researcher, Director of Precision Health Research Institute of BGl Research in Shenzhen, Chief Scientist inpopulation genomics, and Doctoral Supervis-or of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Zhang Dan:Foreign Academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering,Co-founder and Co-chairman of Hillgene,Co-founder and CSO of ClinChoice of Guangzhou Medical University

  • Zhang zhiyong:Direction leader, State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases and Regenerative Medicine

  • Simone Appenzeller:Associate Professor University of Campinas

  • Luciana Cezar de Cerqueira Leite:Senior Researcher at the Vaccine Development Laboratory, Butantan Institute

  • Pedro Manoel Mendes de Moraes Vieira:Professor in lmmunology at the University of Campinas


  • Huang Sanwen:Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dean of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, and Researcher of Agricultural Genomics Institute of Shenzhen of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

  • Yi Ganjun:Doctor, Researcher, Doctoral Supervisor, Vice Dean of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences

  • Wang Xuelu:Professor, Vice President of Henan University, and Distinguished Professor

  • Zhang Jiachao:Professor and Vice Dean of School of Food Science and Engineering of Hainan University

  • Chen songbi:Researcher at the Tropical Crops Genetic Resources Institute of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences

  • Sheng Zhanwu:Researcher of Agricultural Product Processing Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences

  • Zhang Xintan:Researcher of Agricultural Genomics Institute of Shenzhen of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

  • Cheng Xu:Researcher at the Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciencesand Doctoral Supervisor

  • Marcio de Castro Silva Filho:Scientific Director of FAPESP and a full professor in the Departament of Genetics at the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture of the University of Sao Paulo (USP)

  • Luiz Gustavo Nussio:Full Professor Department of Animal Science, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, University of Sao Paulo

  • Joao Spotti Lopes:Full Professor University of S¤o Paulo, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture

  • Aline Silva Mello Cesar:Associate Professor of University of Sao Paulo, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture

  • Ana Claudia Luciano:Professor,Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz(Esalq)-University of Sao Paulo (USP)

  • Thais Regina Boufleur:Professor -Department of PlantPathology and Nematology.ESALO/USP

  • Odair Aparecido Fernandes:Full-time professor at FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP.