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装袋式马铃薯收获机 Bagged Potato Harvester

Project:ChinaIndustry:Modern Agriculture

Time:2024-05-16 15:30Clicks:


该技术采用双层错位抖筛技术,使得薯一秧分离,并直接装袋,省工省力。在马铃薯大田收获过程,要求霜降以后进行收获。最低土壤水分是敏感因子(工程开始的 30天内土壤水分要保持在约 7-10%)。


This technology adopts staggered double-layer reciprocating sifting technology to separate potatoes fromseedlings and bag them directly, which saves labor and effort. it is required to harvest potatoes in the field afterfrost. The minimum soil moisture is a sensitive factor that shall be approximately 7-10% for the first 30 days ofwork.