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杂交构树种养循环可持续发展技术 Sustainable Development Technology for Breeding and CultivationCycle of Hybrid Paper Mulberry


Time:2024-05-16 15:25Clicks:




This technology can restore the ecology and enable fast greening. Hybrid paper mulberry can be harvested 3-5 times a year, yielding 5-8 tons of fresh materials per mu. The harvested fresh material is directly processed intohigh-protein paper mulberry feedstuff and supplied to the breeding area to feed livestock and poultry. Nopesticide is applied to hybrid paper mulberry so that feces of livestock and poultry that eat paper mulberryfeedstuff are free of pesticide residues or heavy metal pollution and can be used for paper mulberry planting asorganic fertilizer, which forms a closed-loop ecosystem and solves the environmental protection problem ofbreeding and cultivation.