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优质蓝莓种苗培育技术 Cultivation Technology for High Quality Blueberry Seedling

Project:ChinaIndustry:Modern Agriculture

Time:2024-05-16 15:24Clicks:




The technology includes the following steps:  transplanting substrate preparation and potting; ②transplanting bed placement; (3 rooted seedlings transplanting; ④ crop leveling, crop picking to promote bushgrowth; ⑤ timely fertilization; (6 timely sprinkler irrigation;  graded nursery specifications. After 8 months ofcultivation, the specifications of commercial potted seedlings in the nursery are the seedling bush height of 50cm, more than 4 branches of branched bush, more than 25 cm of crown width of seedling bush, and more than93% of commercial seedling rate.