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虚拟遥感卫星地面站系统技术与服务 Technology and Service of Virtual Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station System

Project:ChinaIndustry:Information Technology

Time:2024-05-11 15:17Clicks:




Aiming at the problem of rich satelite remote sensing data resources but low effective utilization rate in China, based on thesearch engine for remote sensing images across ground stations, satellites, time phases and sceneries with patches, regions olsceneries as a unit as well as the technology of adaptive screening and combination services, the virtual remote sensing sateliteground station is set up in accordance with the unified data flow interface specification for satellite remote sensing resources, soas to realize the collaborative services, high-efficiency processing and network sharing of the results of the remote sensing dataresources across ground stations, satellites and sceneries, and to open up the fast channel from the acquisition of the raw remotesensing data to the application for the users of the "Belt and Road Initiative".