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石灰石或窑灰-石膏湿法烟气高效脱硫除雾除尘一体化系统 High-efficient Flue Gas Defogging and Dedusting Integrated System for Limestone-lime/gypsum Wet FGD

Project:ChinaIndustry:Energy Conservation and Enviro

Time:2024-04-26 16:28Clicks:




This technology is developed by Xikuang Environmental Protection, and its application can realize ultra.clean emission of SO₂ and dust from cement kiln tail flue gas. The SO₂ emission at the outlet can be 35 mg/Nm³ and when the dust concentration at the inlet is 50mg/Nm³, the dust concentration at the outlet can be 5mg/Nm³. In this case, no modifications to existing dust removal equipment are required.