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一体化的照明+空气净化+抗菌抗病毒的光催化照明空气净化器技术 Photocatalytic Lighting Air Purifier Technology with Integrated Lighting.Air Purification + Antibacterial and Antiviral Function

Project:ChinaIndustry:Biology and Medicine

Time:2024-05-17 15:20Clicks:




The quantum dot nano-photocatalysis technology, negative oxygen ion technology and hydroxide water iontechnology are applied to indoor lighting fixtures so that they will not only provide indoor illumination but willalso decompose formaldehyde and Tvoc generated by interior decoration, degrade or remove indoor PM2.5second-hand smoke and peculiar smell in toilets, and efficiently kill and inactivate adsorbed bacteria, airbornemicrobes and influenza viruses in the room.