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造纸碱回收自泥渣生产多孔硅酸盐滤料 Porous Silicate Filter Media Production with White Sludge Recovered from Paper-making Alkali


发布:2024-05-17 15:31点击数:




The white sludge for paper making has high water and calcium carbonate content and is prone to leachingof heavy metal. This technology addresses such problems by mixing the white sludge with cement foisolidification, formation and dehydration, so as to significantly reduce the water content of paper-making whitesludge for burning in kiln, thus facilitating low-temperature calcination. Through calcination at 700-900°c, thecalcium carbonate in the paper-making white sludge is decomposed into calcium oxide, which may be used asthe calcium material for hydro-thermal synthesis. The calcium oxide regenerated thereby is mixed with coal ash.quartz tail sludge and other siliceous materials to produce porous silicate filter media through granulation.natural curing and steam curing.
