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智慧供水系统的工程建设与运行管理 Engineering Construction and Operation Management oflntelligent Water Supply System


发布:2024-05-14 10:45点击数:




With ultrafiltration membrane treatment technology for drinking water as the core and intelligentmanagement technology for water pump operation as support, real-time perception of operating status isachieved through online monitoring equipment such as data acquisition instruments, wireless networks, andwater quality and pressure gauges: Relying on the cloud service network platform, establish a remotemonitoring center, adopt visual methods, organically integrate water supply facilities and equipment withoperation management personnel, and form the "Internet of Things for Water Supply"; Timely analyze andprocess massive operational information, and assist decision-making recommendations with the processingresults. Dynamically manage the operation, maintenance, and services of the water supply system, therebyachieving a state of "smart water supply".
